Monday, 22 June 2015


I waited.

Fell asleep while waiting, woke up intermittently and checked my phone. All I wanted was a reply. It took me a long time to realise that he doesn’t reply messages within the first 4 hours of reading them in fact it may be 24hours before a response comes in and it just made my eye twitch.

I am sure some of you will say “it’s not such a big deal” but I have come to realise that I may have a mild case of OCD and therefore things have to be done a certain way. I arrange cups according to types and sizes (and the colour may influence it too) in my cupboard. I shut my wardrobe every night before I sleep because the tiny creaking noise irritates me and keeps me awake. It costs me a lot to walk away from my car if the tires are not straight. So I love some order like getting a reply to a text especially if “you” started the conversation.

Life is on your terms!

I said that to the audience at a seminar and they looked a little unconvinced and I explained about my OCD(ness) and told them that they make choices every day to be who they are even if influenced by someone else ultimately the choice is theirs.

This is seen clearly in the kind of friends we keep. Most of the friends we have allow us be ourselves even when they don’t like it. But that is the prerequisite for good friendships. If I know I can be myself with you then it will be easy for me to be around you and to want to spend time with you. So when I walk into a room I unconsciously study facial expressions and body language to pick a seat because I don’t want to sit beside someone who makes me uncomfortable. And if they smell, I change seat. I don’t say “oh maybe they are broke and can’t afford cologne or a bath” I just take off because there are other seats in the room.

Above all else be accommodating but do not change who you are for someone else because you will become a fraud and loose sense of what’s important to you. When your personality is not clear to people it confuses them and they stay away from you.

Be yourself.

While you’re at it BECOME A BETTER YOU.

photo credit: simple pleasures gallery 

1 comment:

  1. wow.. Joy, this is the best writeup from u... OCDs.. interesting, yea, u can be very meticulous keeping in mind the little details, but very interesting person to work with, hmmm, nice one,
    " Most of the friends we have allow us be ourselves even when they don’t like it ",
    guess thats what makes them friends, being real is the key to great relationships.
