Monday, 15 June 2015

My Many Faces


A few days ago my sister asked how many faces they were in this picture and we all got it right and it got me thinking about how many "talents" I had that would be called my many faces.

To some I'm daughter, sister others friend, buddy, colleague, consultant, teacher and still others see me as writer, speaker, strategist and trainer. 

Someone asked me once if I would compromise on any one of my faces at anytime maybe for a guy, someone else said maybe I should slow down not to frighten them away. 

I say, what would I say to my Abba Father if I bury my talents in the ground and do not get 10 more? What would happen to those who need me to be the face they can relate with to live life a little better? Shouldn't the people in your life enhance you rather than make you hide?

I choose my 10 talents and I wear my many faces with pride.
To all the multi talented people, we make the world the eclectic place of colour it should be. #Talented #Faces #Life #Love #Give #Purpose #JustBe #StrongWoman #Passion

Photo credit: anonymous

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