Tuesday, 25 February 2014

A Single Lady’s Prayer

Lord give me my own man
Who is not confused by the multiple relationships he has had
And knows your will is lost in his refusal to wait and receive from you
And his confidence is seared because it has been one mistake after another
And now he doesn't know who is right for him for he has forgotten to ask you and be led by you

Lord give me my own man
Who is not hurting from the scars of a broken heart and betrayed trust
But is healed by your love for him because in you he finds peace and wholeness and forgiveness
And knows his experiences are you shaping your will into him
And his confidence is in what you have said and not what the world thinks
And now he doesn't know your voice from that of his ego for he has forgotten to die to self and live in you alone

Lord give me my own man
Who is not lost in his search for wealth and satisfaction
But knows you are his source and sustenance and in you he finds the blueprint of the future
And is not afraid of failure and knows you turn his mistakes into stepping stones for the future
And is sure that there is a big picture and knows the revealed steps per time
And understands the times and seasons of life and knows there is always a second chance

Lord give me my man
That is a man after your own heart
Loves you completely, leans on you totally
And will give his life for both of us


  1. Well thought out, beautifully written, a good mirror for many men...

  2. Poetically, it's beautifully crafted. It hits all the right notes and one can hear your voice throughout. It's so feminine, but falls short of being feminist. It works on a personal level too. It reads like a window to your soul but more importantly, it sheds light on your mindset. 'Your man' is so faultless and Christlike, untouched by the affairs of this world, a literal angel. You write so well it's painfully brilliant. I remember wrestling with the poem 6months ago. It's even more powerful this time around. You're born to write Joy.

    1. Thanks so much Sunny, I don't think anyone is faultless though I just pray we can go past our faults or failures and be all we can be by God's grace

  3. Wow Joy! This is so deep and it truly embodies the thoughts and prayers I make secretly! Thank you for inscribing on virtual paper many a girl's prayers here.

  4. I'm happy I could do just that. Thanks Wandoo

  5. This is simply amazing...i wholeheartedly connect with this.......you are a beautiful writer that connect with different minds and yet make sense....sunny just said exactly how i feel...its a pure expression of my heart desire.........indeed Gods Grace is all he needs to be this description.

  6. This piece is inspiring, i desire every single reads this! Wow!

  7. There is only one true happiness in Life- to love and be loved...very inspirational...
