Finally, excursion to Media companies, Bright Entertainment Network (BENtv) and Open Heavens Television (OHtv) was executed. This is the first phase of my project for this semester and it went WELL! as soon as I sat in the coach to return to Birmingham I felt like screaming “It’s done”, I didn’t though.
It didn’t happen without its hurdles. First of all I got a text from one of the 10 people to take off from here saying she was ill and couldn’t make it. I replied that that was fine and she should recover soon as I wondered how I would be able to afford the group ticket now 1 person short. I gave everyone their tickets and we were off to London. I suddenly realised I could ask 1 of the 2 people who were to meet us in Tottenham hale to come to Euston instead to make up our number. Ultimately it was good for him because he lives 5minutes from Euston station in London. Have I mentioned the stress in booking tickets and arranging travel?